Wax Treasure (Vinyl)
Recently came into a few extra bucks and added Klipsch Heresy IV’s to the system. They sound spectacular.
@setandsetting I grew up on my father’s Tandberg receiver pushing air through a pair of the original Heresy I. I absolutely adore those speakers and am envious of your awesome setup. Bet it sounds spectacular!
Bought this on sat ,
@Alex damn so I guess Tower is still out there somewhere? That makes me happy.
@setandsetting beautiful set up!
@popvulture Yep, very much stil there
Speaking of Drive By Truckers, picked up the new Jason Isbell on vinyl last week. Fantastic as usual but lord it is not a record that will make you happy.
Happy to buy these on Saturday
@steelydan another great haul
Yessir , especially the kenny dorham and cannonball Adderley..
@J-IV , liking the cooker , how do you like the tone poet re- issue? . I personally think its a good buy considering the prices of original .. price ratio over quality is a no brainer.