Wax Treasure (Vinyl)
Recently came into a few extra bucks and added Klipsch Heresy IV’s to the system. They sound spectacular.
@setandsetting I grew up on my father’s Tandberg receiver pushing air through a pair of the original Heresy I. I absolutely adore those speakers and am envious of your awesome setup. Bet it sounds spectacular!
Bought this on sat ,
@Alex damn so I guess Tower is still out there somewhere? That makes me happy.
@setandsetting beautiful set up!
@popvulture Yep, very much stil there
Speaking of Drive By Truckers, picked up the new Jason Isbell on vinyl last week. Fantastic as usual but lord it is not a record that will make you happy.
Happy to buy these on Saturday
@steelydan another great haul
Yessir , especially the kenny dorham and cannonball Adderley..
@J-IV , liking the cooker , how do you like the tone poet re- issue? . I personally think its a good buy considering the prices of original .. price ratio over quality is a no brainer.
@steelydan yup I think you hit the nail on the head. Aside from pressing titles that weren't released or were badly pressed when they did, they offer great fidelity for the price point. Unless you're an OG die hard, TonePoets series is a godsend for jazz vinyl lovers. TinaBrooks is one of my all time favorite tenors so being able to hear him at such great quality is such a treat.