@Matt never did delve into the SW animations... you definitely caught my interest with Clone Wars and the alternate perspective in Revenge of the Sith (not popular opinion, but easily my favorite of the 6)
@Matt my son is pretty obsessed with all things clone wars. I’ve only seen a few but liked what I’ve seen. Watched the first episode of Visions and was blown away by the animation and story. We need to get caught up on everything before Ahsoka only thing I didn’t really love was the Obi-Wan series. My kids got exposed early to all things Star Wars…I still had all my toys from childhood. Darth Vader case filled with original figures and some ships. Now we just need to get to all the new stuff at Disneyworld!
@Matt Rebel is well underrated one of my favourites, it got heavily slagged for the "thin" lightbsabers but it was Dave Filoni nod to the Originals because the sabres was also thinner than the prequels. @SKT Clone wars is great for lore and like matt said the first few season (until season 3 IMO) can be a bit meh but does deliver and gets better and better. I would definitely be watching Rebels before Ashoka if you haven't as it will be heavily influenced by Rebels events and characters.
Might be a bit of a hot take, but i thought all of Clone Wars was great. I also enjoyed the first season of Bad Batch. I haven’t gotten very far in the second season. It’s been so long since I watched Rebels, but I loved it. I’m hoping that it will all come back to me and I’ll remember, because I don’t have time for a re-watch and won’t want to wait to jump right in to Ahsoka!
Tales of the Jedi is beautiful, but I wasn’t really hooked into it and only watched like two. I hope that wasn’t a mistake for being able to follow the new show. Teenage me would be so disappointed in me for not obsessively consuming every scrap of Star Wars that is available, but that’s a higher bar than it was in 1993.
@sabergirl Tales is not required viewing for moving forward. It really just fills in some spaces that are very interesting but not revelatory. I really enjoyed the Dooku story.
@endo I read Empire of Pain by Patrick Radden Keefe which is about the Sackler Dynasty. I'd never heard of them or had much knowledge of the Oxy fiasco, was a crazy read. The way they marketed to doctors at the time was groundbreaking. Hard to imagine having your doctors flogging a big pharma product!
I never understood being addicted to painkillers until I had some codeine prescribed after a hernia operation. I spent the first 3 days after happily led on the couch playing videogames. Day 4 was hell, and it was only then that I realised I'd been a little high for the previous few days.
This is the American way. Pharma is completely unhinged — the Oxy tactics are arguably the most shameful, but they do similar stuff with countless other products they’re promoting. If you watch TV over here, the commercials are all for drugs. Treat the symptom, not the cause, and rake in the money. Yay.
(That said, I do want to and will watch Painkiller. Love me some MB.)
I watched the first episode, I’ll probably watch the second tomorrow. I liked it a lot but I think of you skipped Rebels then you’d be a little out of the loop. I really like when they bring the voice actors from the cartoons in to do the live characters. Clancy Brown plays the Governor and is great. I think you’ll enjoy it if you, like I loved Rebels.