Friday afternoon
@Kasi The S1 train to Stadthausbrücke. There is only one train from the airport and it only travels in one direction so you can’t mess it up.
Should cost about 3 euros. I can’t remember the exact price. You can buy a ticket on the way downstairs from the terminal to the train.
@Daniel-San Look on Kornträgergang street, you might find a parking space there. This is the street that leads to our shop.
@Daniel-San Parkplatz Feldstraße, Heiligengeistfeld? When I'm at the court at the Sievekingplatz, I usually park there and walk to the store... 5-10mins.
@Matt is you and Katies upgrade something like this????
@Matt I think she wants a cigarette and a drink
has the anniversary/ party clothes been revealed yet?
@Kasi curious on the tee shirt too!!
@Twistlock unfortunately picture not showing from my end..
can’t see twistlock‘s picture.
think this is what he posted
@Kasi -
what he said^
Thanks @Daniel-San, screenshot upload did not work. Yep, that is it.
Holy shit, the tee and the flannel. Both so rad.
The white one.