IHSH-379-GRN - Ultra Heavy Flannel Ombré Check Work Shirt - Green
This is good looking flannel, hmm....
Looks boss. Another on the ever growing list...
I didn't had that on my radar. Very nice.
looking sharp
Looks very nice.
@Ross is the red one launching soon as well?
Initially dismissed this but the work shirt is too irresistible. Gonna have to grab one at some point.
Decisions Decisions, western or work. Green or red. Might have to be a coin toss. Fancy getting one more in and then taking a break. Both shirt designs look so good.
@Matt Credit card bending over the thought of this...
I'm leaning towards the Green Work Shirt for now...
@Ross Thank you.
Is the dark color in this shirt black or a deep indigo? I'm seeing green, brown, and either black or deep indigo but I can't tell for sure.
@AdamJ Thanks man.
I really love the colors on this shirt. It is more subtle than one of the Crazy Check UHFs and has a really dark blue coloration in the dark areas that is much more apparent in outdoor sunlight!