This Blew My Mind!
@T4920 And...? Did you get anywhere?
I'd have gone with "only an alpha knows that another man could never satisfy his wife like he can, and she'll be back, if you can't see that it's because you have the insecurities of a beta".
@EdH that was my rationale too, although it was promptly disregarded with him reinstating his original beliefs on the matter and calling me a cuck.
This is why I like the Debate Champion persona, he has the capacity to yield to logic and accept when you reasoning skills are superior.
I know we're probably getting that ^^^ but I just keep wishfully hoping we'll get this
Save the image to your PC and zoom in with an image app if you don't believe it. I did!
Many years into professional 3d printing this still boggles my mind
Did you know that the Milky Way galaxy, one of 2 trillion galaxies that we know of (and my intuition is that it is one of an infinite number of galaxies), is so vast that if it were the size of the continental US, our solar system would be the size of a quarter, and Earth the size of a grain of sand?
Mind-boggling—check out this incredible video on the topic.
My mind is definitely blown!
I always love to inform my students of the factoid that there are as many stars in our galaxy as there are grains of sand on every beach across the entire planet!! And each one of those stars is a sun that has its own planets orbiting around it.
@mclaincausey I need a lie down after watching that. Absolutely mind blowing. Thanks for sharing.
@Mizmazzle I know this fact, and it's one that I've repeated, yet our brains cannot comprehend that scale of anything, and it will never cease to absolutely amaze me. And the fact that the universe is also constantly expanding in every direction hurts my brain. And if it weren't expanding, and it just IS, is it just... infinite?!
@seawolf thank god I had a couple sips of coffee before I read your post, otherwise my brain would have gone into full scale, level 5, meltdown.
And by definition of infinite, the universe MUST be expanding…otherwise we’d reach an end point and someone would finally win the “I called shotgun, no place backs, time infinity!” Rule.
What blows my mind beyond the fact that it's expanding, is that the rate of expansion is accelerating, not decelerating or staying constant. Then you get into dark matter and dark energy...
A couple more for you.
The scale I talked about for the size of the galaxy, which requires 120,000 years for a beam of light moving at the maximum physically possible speed through space, is inconsequentially small next to the size of the observable universe, which is 93 billion light years. Because the expansion of space isn’t limited by light speed, the relative speed of recession for far flung galaxies exceeds the speed of light.
Here’s the kicker: as vast as the universe is known to at least be, there are more orders of magnitude to the smallest possible scale (the Planck length) than there are to the largest observable scale (the observable universe). The observable universe : us is not as large of a difference as us : the smallest possible scale understood by physics.
There are four kinds of multiverses in the way that Max Tegmark breaks it down and I’ll summarize those when I have more time later.
Yep. I find this very interesting while comprehending very little at the same time.