The Y2 jackets are so nice but the sleeves are all 25.5 on the largest size. Wish they were longer
@T4920 Wow man this is
RW -
@RoxRocks86 I have the same outfit but for some reason I don’t think I look as cool.
@Matt life is better when you don’t think
Honeycombs have settled in on the new OD 633s, thanks again @VoodooRay for hooking me up.
Even starting to see that subtle 18oz Vintage slub shine through...
From last night: 235blk, PTC, 19ib, OSB
@T4920 Very nice! Did you get them hemmed already? Looks spot on.
@VoodooRay turns out I didn't need to. With the combs and stack, I think they look great.
I'd probably go for a 32.5 inseam in the future if I was to get a pair hemmed, but that extra half an inch doesn't do any harm imo.
@T4920 for me the rise is a pretty important consideration for hemming as I tend to wear my jeans low anyway, so for lower rise I like a longer inseam and high rise jeans a shorter one.. they look great on you anyways
Edit: or is that the other way around -
@VoodooRay I've always wondered how much of a difference this would make..
I'll probably try 777 next, as the low rise and tighter thigh is really working for me (unless the denim gods present me with an opportunity to grab another pair of 633s), so that 32/33 inch inseam will probably be the sweet spot.
@Twistlock fantastic vest! Great combo
perfect color combo @Sir_Cuffs-a-Lot !!!
@jordanscollected mucho thanko!