Anyone here play video games?
I’ve just started with Dragons Dogma 2. After Elden Ring i could use a good JRPG. Let’s see how this goes.
Anyone else into the older stuff? Or any tekken players here?
So maayyybe 2 weeks ago? Ended up returning something at Best Buy & walked out with a PS5, which then piqued my curiosity for VR & led to a search for a place that had the PSVR2 in-stock locally. Got hooked on to GT7 but hated using the controllers so found a used G923 & stuck it onto a wobbly foldable rinky-dinky table. After a few days that little table wasn’t cutting it so went for broke & upgraded the wheel+pedals to the Logitech G Pro combo & got a foldable cockpit.
There was an attempt to find a fun, relaxing, CHEAP hobby to immerse myself in on my down time…
Haha dang that’s legit as hell
@popvulture hopefully it doesn’t lead into a rabbit hole of building a gaming pc just to upgrade to a fixed aluminum rig with a bucket seat, buttkickers, 3 monitors, handbrake, & shifter…oh my!
@RoxRocks86 haha I think at that point you should jusr buy a Skyline
@RoxRocks86 You absolute fucking maniac - I love it...
@SKT Sorry, just seen this "is it crazy gory" question.
The worst that happens is that your character will be blown apart by an explosion of some kind. There's a few seconds of that lingering on screen before the camera switches to another player while you await a respawn. This will involve limbs and your character's head being blown off sometimes, but the camera doesn't linger on any injury or zoom in on the detail.
The two main enemy factions currently in the game are robots and bugs, so you're not going to be blasting people apart yourself (well, unless you deliberately team kill).
There are some examples in this video
. -
In addition to still playing Helldivers 2 daily, I've been playing Powerwash Simulator recently when I fancy some downtime.
This is possibly the most boring premise for a game I have ever heard of, but it is weirdly satisfying to clean virtual objects and locations, and I am having a great time. It's also a fantastic choice of game to play while doing something else, as it requires very little concentration. I've managed to listen to two audiobooks I had been wanting to get to in the last couple of weeks alone, mainly while powerwashing things on my PS5.
Here's a review:
@EdH I became thoroughly addicted to a mobile game during the lockdowns for the same reasons.
There's just something about simple, one dimensional games that allow my (probably) ADD riddled brain to tune into external stimuli such as music/audiobooks.
I was playing this for 4/5 hours a day for a solid 6 months, whilst listening to Fantasy audiobooks, and inadvertently became the joint top ranked player on the Google Play store leaderboards
I've been playing a quirky little puzzle game called Viewfinder recently.
It involves taking photos of the environment, which can be placed into the world, and explored as three dimensional spaces to solve puzzles.
The idea is amazing, and worth the price of admission (especially on sale) but it's very short with just a 2-4h run time.
Some of the solutions are a little Janky though, and whilst it's a far cry from the upper echelon of puzzle games, I'm keen to see if they develop the concept into something more cohesive in the future.
@Ross Not quite. It was that I already had it on my PSN account thanks to it being a PS+ freebie a few months ago, and I thought I'd check it out.
I was actually winding Mrs H up saying "here's a game for you" because I take the mickey out of how much she cleans... I personally don't think vacuuming and wiping down the whole house daily is necessary but she does, so that's what we do... anyway... and then I ended up quite enjoying it.
But I will be getting the 40k tie-in DLC once I'm done with the main game, as I see this being a game that I try to get 100% of the trophies in.
@T4920 said in Anyone here play video games?:
inadvertently became the joint top ranked player on the Google Play store leaderboards
That's nuts!
But I have no idea what you're doing in that game based on that video... is the player tapping the blocks?
Reminds me that I saw a Tiktok being shared around a while back. It was this kid's reaction to finding out that his mom was the #1 ranked player in Candy Crush globally. He was taking the mickey out of how much she plays - "look, there's mom playing Candy Crush again", then caught a glance of the leaderboard on her phone as she's trying to hide it, and was like "wait, are you #1? In the WORLD?! What the f***". I think he had a newfound respect for her in a weird way.
@EdH you tap/hold the left/right sides of the screen to rotate the blue and red dots, and attempt to avoid the descending white blocks.
The stage shown in that videos has the white blocks disappearing midway down the screen, making the final sequence of challenges a lot more difficult, but by that stage, the game is played almost exclusively on an instinctive, subconscious level.
Ending up as a top ranked player involved doing flawless runs of the base game, and both expansions at 3x speed...
As simple as it seems, it's one of the best gaming experiences of my life ahaha, and made me truly understand to concept of 'flow state'.
Free on Play/App stores, or you can pay a couple of pounds to remove ads (recommended)
@EdH as for the Candy Crushing, she must've spent a fortune on it to reach that level! It becomes very much pay to win at higher levels (extra lifes, power ups etc) my otherwise extremely frugal Mum had to check herself and uninstall it years ago, after my Dad questioned numerous £2.99 payments to Google pay on their bank statement ahaha.
If it can get to her, it can get to anybody...
I find the monetisation strategy behind certain mobile gaming disturbing, yet so fascinating!
Relying on 0.001% of their players (the whales) to make up 99% of their profits... -
@T4920 Honestly I find the business behind videogames almost as much fun to follow as actually playing games themselves. I was all over the documents which were made public by the courts during Microsoft's acquisition of Activision Blizzard King. And Sony suffered a major breach last year via a hack on one of its developers (Insomniac) which also revealed some very tasty behind-the-scenes numbers and stats.
@popvulture what, no options for both?! Haha but on the real, you might be right!