Redline Rally Y3
Just submitted my raw proof, and am now soaking my chambray to get any last shrinkage out before we wear this damn thing for the next few months!
I am going to take part, jury for fun really. Just want to see the evolution of IH526J-22. Won’t really start wearing till the autumn
@Fadez Siiick! Yes yes yes!! This is the bomb!! Look at that happy face! What a piece to enter with! Mind-blowing natural indigo!!
@Peterldavey Delightful! Go on the ride you want to - and this piece is stellar
Just submitted my pictures and am ready to go! I’ll be using the jacket and shirt mainly for work this time as it is my first competition. It will be fun to watch the 2 pieces evolve over the course of a year.
Good luck everyone!
This thing fits great now!!! It fit well before, but now it is aces!
Gonna wait on wear 1, but fit pics soon enough! Happy journeying everyone! Hope your soaks are as fruitful as mine was.
Starting my second lap with the 295 IB!
Currently at 280 wears and maybe 3 washes.
Anyone else doing Re(pair)? -
Sadly not running an Iron Heart piece saw this naked and famous jacket awhile back and had to have it. It is a green cast slubby 16oz denim. I am curious to see how it develops. -
@Peterldavey yo solid choice dude
@Denman-John Wicked! Lovely choices - cannot wait to see your progress! Such great fun
@Fadez Indigo in the wild... first contact
@Davids_denim Brilliant! Such a fabulous fade you got there, mate!!
Sorry to let my iron heart army down however the iron heart jacket I posted yesterday didn’t quite fit right. The arms were way to long form my little arms! So I have swapped to this;
^ that denim looks like a good time! Looking forward to seeing how it goes for you Peter!!
@deadendpro thanks mate
Good luck to everybody! Will start wearing my piece from tomorrow on
I had this shirt in my closet for half a year because I bought it and it did not fit. My plan was to lose weight and go for RR with it and now it's still a little snug but can wear it without being ashamed. Try my best to rip it apart.
RRrrrrrredline Ready!! @Stitch (Terje) is going with 292-IND, and man, that shirt just keeps on giving! Finally put on the sample Pale Rider for good now and it is.s.s.d.a.f.asd,fm so many feelings haha.. What a journey this will be, to follow all your progress, and partake in it. Phew! Good luck everyone! Have a super weekend!!
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