The (Less intimidating) Watch Thread
Just discovered this micro brand and I’m smitten. I love my hometown so theae speak to me in a big way. Now I just can’t decide on white or orange. A little help?
@long_john86 wow, what a beauty! Is it keeping time okay last days?
@FlavourFade we are a few days in, no supplementary manual winds, and about +30seconds, so I’m taking that as a win!
Found a G Shock shop in London and couldnt help but nab a souvenir
@endo I believe this was the District but we used the Tube a lot this week.
Here is my contribution. My daily wearer outside of work. Seiko Sarb033 on an Uncle Seiko beads of rice bracelet.
@Danimal506 love the SARB series.
@Mizmazzle It’s a solid watch! It doesn’t keep good time anymore, but it ran really well for a few years.
@T4920 Awesome! It looks great with those fades