IH-888S-18 - 18oz Vintage Selvedge Denim Medium/High Rise Tapered Cut Jeans
Hi all, any update on a restock?
@Ridgemont Should just be another month or so.
- topic:timeago-later,16 days
@AdamJ Hi there, really interested in a restock date for these. I know it’s been awhile. Any insight?
@Tago-Mago thank you! I’m new to the forum and learning how things work. Love your products!!
@AdamJ thank you, new to the forum and learning how this works. Love the jeans so far!!
- topic:timeago-later,25 days
Looking for my first pair of IHs. I started looking into the overdyeds first but thinking I should maybe start with a classic pair of indigos. For those of you that have both the 18oz vintage and the 21oz “classic”, any observations with regards to (1) which one actually wears warmer / is more appropriate year round (and maybe the answer is neither), (2) difference in texture - I would say sleeker / cleaner is better but is the 18oz really that slubby or just relative to the 21s? (3) any other thoughts or things you considered when ordering the 18oz would be super helpful. Thanks in advance!
I have 888-21OD/555-18. You're right. The 21 isn't slubby or hairy. It really comes out of the box soft and stays that way. I've had mine for about 8 months and even now the weave is tight with slight degree of fuzz. With that said, the 18 isn't really slubby IMO. The denim is a coarse out of the box and a little hairy. It does feel like a slower weave denim. I wore them both in summer and felt fine. Maybe the 21oz fairs a bit better in really hot weather but the 18 works too. Personally, I love the 18oz. The denim is almost electric blue from day one.
@lionheart Honestly, when it comes down to it you really just have to try them on to see. I know that might not be possible, but I've scoured these forums looking for confirmation on a particular fit or fabric. You really can't know until you try it on.
@kantian yep I fully appreciate that and thank you for the detailed response above. Just trying to minimize having to order and send back, but I may just have to.
i have the 18oz in a 777 and a 21oz 888. I'll try and snap some comparison pics when i get home. I love me some 21oz in all its forms, but there's def something special about the 18oz vintage. It's got a great texture and imo, the weight makes it one of the most versatile denims in the lineup. this denim also fades amazingly too, and fast compared to the 21oz. I'd probably get a new set of 18oz in the 888 when they drop cuz my 777 is a bit skinny.
Sorry neither of the jeans in these pics are the 18oz 888, so this may need to get moved…BUT, it’s a side by of the 21oz indigo and the 18oz vintage ( with about 40 more wears than the 21oz). The 21oz is much smoother and thicker and slower fading. The 18oz is rougher and more bluey. Both work in all weather depending on tolerance, but imo 18oz is slightly easier to wear in heat.
@WhiskeySandwich Yeah, that's why I'm trolling this thread. Patiently waiting for the 18oz in the 888. I can't really comfortably wear anything else. The 555 had the rise, but the thigh taper is really sharp. Can't wait for the drop.
@lionheart I gotcha. I'm just saying you can't really go wrong with either. They're both wearable all year long. Beautiful fades.
That side by side is super helpful. It also pushes me slightly towards the 21oz, the smoothness and slower fading would make it a little more “formal” perhaps and the 18 a little more casual I guess. It’s getting rather nitpicky haha but then they’re not cheap either so I will unlikely get both right away. Thanks again gents
- topic:timeago-later,about a month
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IH-888S-18 Restock