Random questions to which you seek an answer
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Creases in IMH-40-GRN
Hello to all! New to the community and have recently been getting very into Iron heart products over the past year. I am so excited to have received my first A2 jacket from this Falls release. I bought it from one of the retailers who carries Iron Heart, not directly from Iron heart. I’m a little disappointed because the jacket arrived with some creases in the upper left chest (opposite the pocket), but I am not sure if they will work themselves out, or if there is a method to remove them? Looking for any guidance on this! Is this worth contacting the retailer? The only bummer is, I know for a fact that it will be near impossible to track down another size small
@MSav32323 No worries as they will work themselves out with time and wear. Nothing to fret about.
Also moved your question to this thread.
Great pickup and look forward to your adventures with a great jacket. Congratulations!
@Alex will the purple ombre make a return? My most wanted of flannels!
@MSav32323 I have the whipcord A2 myself, and it is an excellent jacket. Wear it and the issue should resolve itself
@MSav32323 worry not about those creases. They'll soften and disappear with wear. and you'll simply forget about them over time. Enjoy your IH.
@Alex great news, thank you very much
@Tago-Mago as @Alex mentioned earlier I was one of the few who had just bought the red/black buffalo check from the re-stock.. a week or two later and I couldn’t wait for the re-stock of the purple ombre then it arrived at IH and was red/black ombre
@Tago-Mago two different fabrics entirely, you definitely need the chalk stripe
@DeeDee85 I’ll be honest, this is the strongest lineup of shirts for me personally since I’ve been following IH (admittedly, that’s only been 4 years…). I like all of them which is exactly why I have to limit myself. Right now, one of the deciding factors is colour, so anything blue is automatically demoted. Apart from the sashiko obviously, because I am a walking contradiction
@jordanscollected Thanks for the comforting words
@Tago-Mago Thanks so much!