Gosport (UK)
@UnTucked There are two 'real' markets in Portsmouth, the more central of the two called Vivers, the other Johnstones. Viviers is right in between Gunwharf Quay and Old Portsmouth, by foot, and right outside a nice bar/bistro called the A Bar.
Will be in the UK for the first two weeks of October. Are visits to IHUKHQ possible/welcomed?
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@Mister_Brue much obliged!
Day off, visit the Gosport shop tomorrow?
Asking IH staff and generally people living in UK.
I will be landing at Heathrow tomorrow at 12:20, and I am free for the rest of the day, do you think it would be feasible to catch a train and visit the IH shop in Gosport? I see that the shop closes at 17:45. As far as I see it is a 2 hour train ride, so I might be there between 3 or 4PM.Thanks.
Very feasible, but travel from Heathrow to Gosport by public transport is not easy. Drop a note to shop@ironheart.co.uk to discuss.....
Thanks @Giles
Just sent them an email. -
@nickname a friend just arrived today to Portsmouth from Heathrow and took a national express coach and said it was easy, took an hour and a half and less than £20. Worth checking out as the bus station is next to the ferry to Gosport and then just a fifteen min walk to IHUK.
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@Mizmazzle Dude, that sounds amazing. We did 12 days in Scotland last year. Hit me up if you want some travel tips!
@Mizmazzle awesome, we look forward to seeing you! just give us a shout when you know the dates and plan on popping in!