Thrift Store Scores
Fun finds at the flea market today
@Inorganic did the eagles market escape their fate and stay open?
@GraemeE it’s a bit up in the air. They are back at the eagles lodge space for now but it isn’t long term. I’m hopeful they’ll find something permanent
@Matt Alright alright alright
@Inorganic this is an epic chest. I scored this 1940s roll cab on Craigslist a few years back for $100, it was a complete mess when I got it, the drawers were coated in solidified grease mixed with random hardware and metal shavings.
@SourPower solid score. Love the beat downs and patina that box has received over the years
@GraemeE so random!
@Inorganic it's not my place to question the thrift spirits and what they choose to put forth
@GraemeE be good to the thrift gods and they will be good to you.
a few gems i've picked up over the past week or so:
- i found a matchy matchy bottom box for my snap-on tool box
- 70s remake of the famed LC4 lounger (I need to weld up a base)
@Inorganic on the full moon i leave out a copy of Frampton Comes Alive and one of those hats with a palm tree that says "no bad days" as an offering
@GraemeE No need to harp on about it...