…'The lunatic is on the grass'.
This post has everything. Good news, great views, quality clothing and a Pink Floyd reference!
Congratulations R. That is a big deal and a beautiful spot.
@vaquero357 awesome news and awesome clobber. I wonder whether you’d consider doing a thread in a similar vein to Reuben’s so we can come along for the ride through the build?
…WOW! Thank you my friends! And @LewisStonehouse I would be more than happy to do that! It is a big deal for me and it's going to take a herculean effort to get there but the first step of acquiring the property is done and I'm numb with joy!
…I'm just on the far side of the ravine. It's unbelievable!
Is that Big Stone Lake @vaquero357? I have a close friends across in Ortonville, if so.
…@Giles Thank you Giles! I'm a long way from the 'Big City' and it's exactly what the doctor ordered so to speak!
...you're exactly right @jordanscollected! This opportunity fell in my lap and happened fast, affirming the phrase 'It's not what you know but who you know'!
In this case my sister and brother-in-law!
…when things get rolling I'll start a separate thread.
…when things get rolling I'll start a separate thread.
Please do so @vaquero357
Curious if you’ll plant some trees on this beautiful floe.
bloody southerners… with your leaves on trees and such
Priming concrete before levelling compound. Tiling tomorrow.
@Nkwkfld great progress, looks like you don't even need to open those boxes
Tiling laid. Grout tomorrow.