@jordanscollected , i thought you were likely in the same boat. When it gets this cold, you guys are usually 5°- 10° colder than us. Hang in there. Like you said, relief is coming...
@scooter It's not even laughable, it's downright dangerous to be outside.
@jordanscollected how do the horses fare in this weather? Any special precautions for them?
@motojobobo The horses eat hay to stay warm and we free feed them above the netting in their hay hut when it's this cold. They also grow really fluffy winter coats and that keeps them warm. Additionally they have 2 lean to's at our farm that they use to shelter out of the wind.
This is our first winter at the new farm so it's been a massive goal reached to have them in the backyard so we can keep an eye on them without having to drive to their previous boarding facility.
Last night I checked on them at 10 P.M. and it was -40F wind chill and neither of them were shivering.
We have horse blankets for them but don't use them unless necessary. The most important thing for horses to stay warm is to have a dry coat. The worst time of year for them is in the spring when they have begun to shed their winter coat and we get a cold rainy day, like 35-45F degrees. When their coat is wet they can't stay warm and then the blankets come out, preferably before the rain comes.
@jordanscollected besides the freezing temperatures it still makes me smile seeing you write about your life on the farm. sounds a lot like ikigai
@tody I have my wife to thank for most of the purpose, joy and motivation to achieve this goal. I am "consistently content".
Me: we have a farm, let's relax and enjoy it.
My wife: let's gets goats and llamas and build an obstacle course for the horses and put in a sunken greenhouse to grow produce all year round and a big garden and an addition on the house to host larger events!
keeps me young
@Giles I was actually just thinking the other day if IH would ever make anything stitched with dyneema! Strong stuff. I'm still holding on to an old post and saddle setup for my trail bike as a keepsake but it made me a little nervous riding around at 90kg on these super lightweight parts riding as hard as I do
...Darimo/speed needle