Giles and Paula's Great Retirement Adventure
Giles, this thread has made me so happy today. Please tell Madame Buttonfly how much joy these plans have brought us here. Really. I think it is an amazing and inspiring plan, and I hope you two find the best possible solution for what you need. Please keep us posted. Go for it!!!
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It is. But seriously, there are none around at the moment. And really a 52 is a perfect size. Not too large for me and P to manage on our own, but large enough to have guests and entertain….
I'll patiently await the day you dock on this side of the globe..
More info. The spec on the boat is amazing. Plenty of nifty original build upgrades. I still don't know what the asking price will be, but the single biggest issue we have to deal with is that it was a boat originally sold in The EEC. UK as we all know, is no longer part of the EEC, so there may be 20% VAT to pay upon "import" into UK. That could be the killer. Me and people with much larger brains than I, are working out how we deal with that…..We could berth it in France, but that would take a lot of the point in owning it (and having it moored down the road) away.....
EU-based shell company could buy it…
Amazing @Giles ! So stoked for you and @Madame Buttonfly. Can't wait to see what kind of adventures you get up to
Fuggin Brexshit strikes again.
Good things for good ppl. This'll work out as it's meant to either with this epic boat or an even better one.
I mean, maybe just getting a narrow boat and sticking to the canals vs tooling around the lovely Mediterranean is the answer
Not sure it'll get to Perth on one tank of gas, annoyingly
he can just ride the waves when it runs out.
finished reading the whole thread! Wow wow!! [mention]Giles [/mention] [mention]Madame Buttonfly [/mention] !!
Awesome!! I can help with some marina and local grill fish family restaurant(Konoba) on the Dalmatian’s islands & coast! Specially the south part[emoji6][emoji41]Envoyé de mon iPhone en utilisant Tapatalk
Back to the drawing board…...
The current owner has (what we think are) unreasonable price expectations. He may actually be correct as Nordhavn's are selling for substantial premiums over what they were achieving pre-Covid.
But the bottom-line is we can't go as high as he expects. And that is even before we sort out any tax issues...
Onwards and upwards....
He may actually be correct as Nordhavn's are selling for substantial premiums over what they were achieving pre-Covid.
The blasted COVID-related price increases drive me mad. While this may be a dead end, I feel certain that there's a better (and more reasonably-priced) boat in your future.