Jacques Marie Mage (JMM) - Sunglasses and Frames…
@pechelman Click or hover over the [Left Arrow @ Alex] and it should work. Works for me on mobile.
@pechelman jumping in here as I’ve wanted to know this for a while and stumbled across the answer today. The link to the previous post appears if you turn your phone to landscape orientation (at least it does for me).
@pechelman same until a few hours ago!
This post is deleted!
Does anyone have experience swapping lenses? I've got 2 pair of Hemmings (one Rx'd and one not) and I want to swap lenses but I'm afraid of damaging them by pushing too hard. Does running them under warm water or a low setting on a blow dryer make them pliable enough?
Does anyone know the average cost to swap Rx lenses in JMM frames?
@Danimal506 Too many variables…prescription, coatings, manufacture, variable focus, etc. can affect your costs.
I just did a prescription and it was over $1000.
100% on there being too many variables with lens type, your actual rx, coatings, and mostly the place you get it done at.
On the lowest end of the spectrum, expect to pay no less/more than about ~100$ from a mail order place.For a mild Rx in CR39, single vision, one plain tint, AR coatings, no polarization, that kinda thing, from a shop you have a good relationship at, I'd say something in the 200$ region to be normal. Fwiw, I got another quote from my actual eyedoctor's optometrist and it was more than 2X that for the exact same thing AFTER insurance.
I was quoted around 300 in Atlanta as well for roundabout what Clint highlights above. Specifically for jmm
Thank you everyone!
Local pawnshop had a pair of JMM’s in a glass case with a bunch of Michael Kors, Ray Ban, Coach and such. I about lost it when I saw 49.99 on the tag.
Had them take it out for me to see, and it was actually $449.99. No box or case, just the glasses. Womp. Not 100% sure on the model, but looked like the Sandro.
Look at that, sunglasses with my name!
@JDelage those are pretty incredible looking. Really like how the temples have the arrow heads that fit into the slots on the front. They've done this on a few other frames before, but something about this one looks to have the best execution. Hope you snag a pair!