This Blew My Mind!
Honey Badgers blow my mind. Seriously. Look them up!
Did not exactly blow my mind, but I love how obvious the solution was with the benefit of hindsight.....
Dunno where to put this. Never seen it. But awesome
@pechelman Oh, yes. Same idea. Shoot. And yeah, I like my thread title too.
FWIW I was all about the duck thread, and I am here to keep the cause alive.
@popvulture Awesome!!!
Don’t call
Don’t make it weird -
@Matt I don't know if you've ever come across this phenomenon on reddit, but sometimes the thread title has NOTHING to do with the topic being discussed. r/trees, for example is all about cannabis, and r/marijuanaenthusiasts is about trees. Maybe there's some there there. An unhinged thread nothing to do with ducks?
@seawolf are you sure you’re from the west coast?
@popvulture I live on the west coast but I'm from the east coast!
A US company's prototype jet has broken the sound barrier in a demonstration it hopes will pave the way for a successor to the Concorde. Boom Supersonic's XB-1 is the first civilian aircraft to achieve the feat since the British-French supersonic airliner, which was retired in 2003. The XB-1 broke the sound barrier for the first time over the Mojave Desert in California. During the test flight, it reached an altitude of 35,000ft before accelerating to Mach 1.1 (844mph) - 10% faster than the speed of sound.
Denver-based Boom Supersonic hopes the XB-1 will pave the way for the development of Overture, the company's supersonic commercial airliner. The XB-1 is around 63ft-long, around one-third the size of Overture, which is intended to seat between 64 and 80 passengers and travel at speeds of up to Mach 1.7. Such speeds would be around twice as fast as subsonic passenger jets, but still slightly slower than the Concorde.
The Overture has already been pre-ordered 130 times by companies such as American Airlines, United Airlines, and Japan Airlines.So, still trying (and failing) to catch up with Concorde, for which “France and the United Kingdom signed a treaty establishing the development project on 29 November 1962”.