IHSH-386-GRN (@Twistlock snap!)
Iron Heart Summer -
Disreguard the terrible background. 4 kids and pool day but I’m wearing my ih777s 21 and my 23 oz OD denim!
Does the denim look to small for me ? I love it but I haven’t had a nice fitted denim in a long time.
don’t know if sizing up on my next jacket would be bad? I don’t like over sized jackets but I may try Medium ! -
@Denimmacdaily looks like you’re doing everything right but fit is very subjective. If it feels good to you, it is good!
@Denimmacdaily frist thing I thought when I looked at your pic was “that fitted jacket looks great on this dude”. This was before I read your comment about being unsure of the sizing. Think it looks v good
@Denimmacdaily looks like a great fit to my eye. Fit and feel are two different things tho ….
My oldest first day of school, and she’s in the same class as @Stitch kid. The teacher says they’ll stay indoors as it’s raining, where my daughter says “if we go outside we’ll slip on the grass”, and @Stitch kid says “that’s good for my fades”.
Us four parents crack up. No one else gets it. The sins of the fathers are passed to the children… hahaha
@jaliskoe Dude! Your photos are always so spot on and engaging!! Good stuff - and great shirt!!
@Denimmacdaily It looks perfectly fitted to my taste! Well done and good luck with four kids and 23oz!!
@denim-dawg said in IRON HEART WAYWT - 2024 EDITION:
@jaliskoe Dude! Your photos are always so spot on and engaging!! Good stuff - and great shirt!!
Much appreciated, my brother.
Big fan of your reels on IG! Love the humor -
@denim-dawg speaking of first day of school…me too! Off to my first day at my new school. Don’t want any confusion about who Mr. Mizmazzle is…
IH 7.5oz Tee (Brand new from our Vietnam trip. Been saving for first day)
Lofgren Engineers
GAH #33
Filson 24 Hour Bag (old faithful work bag)
Hammy Field Watch -
@Mizmazzle alright! Have fun on that first day…set the denim-tone from the git-go
@jaliskoe Thank you so much! Hope we all fade and dare to be who we are in the best possible way. Have a good one my friend!!
@Mizmazzle You let us know how your day went and who you are, good “eye watering faded XHS, spanking new IH Vietnam t & goodies, Mr. Mizmazzle” in the Rising Sun!
@Mickey-GT Jeans are looking dope! classic little outfit!