WESCO-MRLOU-NATH - Wesco® - 10" Horsehide Engineer Boot - Natural. The "Mister Lou"
@Johnnyutah247 not really will need a little more care than cxl. However don’t over condition, I used to use Venetian cream when they got dry. I used to wear mine every day fairly hard for a month and gave them a little condition once a month. Just depends how often and how you wear them
First wear. I removed the Wesco leather insole and put in a thin Pedag. Wearing lightweight darntough socks, but feel like these will break in considerably to the point where I will use the original insert and wear medium white boots socks.
Definitely agree with the post above as the shaft on these seem to be a little looser or larger than my other Mister Lou/Derroll boot. They probably aren’t, just the stiffness of the leather causes them not to be as formed or round as the CXL.
@northsouthdenimguy look great!
Fit question for the forum. Received my pair on Thursday and got to try on yesterday. For context I’m in between a 10 and a 10.5 redwing and a 10.5 in converse chuck 70s, I have a pair of the jobmaster all black suede flat soles from The Shop (10D) and my brannock is a 10.5B. I purchased a 10D in these Mr. Lous. Currently I can get the boot on, some heel slip (minimal / acceptable) and I can wiggle my toes they are about 1/8 to a 1/4 inch from the front of the boot. My big toe does feel like it’s pushing on the top of the boot due likely to the lower volume in the front. If I remove the insoles they fit better but obv more comfortable with them in from a cushion perspective. Recommendation from the group if this sounds like a good engineer boot fit? I should have purchased both the 10D and 10.5D for comparison but that wasn’t an option. Curious how these break in (ie fit when brand new vs after a bit of wear). New territory for me here in the engineering boot category hence the call for help. Much thanks !
@Kjunx horsehide doesn’t really give… you could try 3/4 insoles
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@Kjunx this sounds similar to how my lou's have fit. I tried two sizes and the volume above the toes didnt change much for me. Ultimately, I sent mine back to stretch the toes and it helped a good bit but they're still pretty low in height compared to any other boot.
@Kjunx I believe recommendation is go 1/2 size up in tall heel wesco boots and down a 1/2 size in the flat sole last. That seems to work well for me. I’m an 8.5D in mister Lou and 8D in the short stack boss from the shop. How do you like the rough out job masters from the shop?
@Kjunx This sounds like a pretty standard MrLou fit to me, a little bit of heel slip is pretty normal in engineers so long as it's not egregious and a certain level of toe squish is to be expected given how slim/flat the MP toe box is.
However if the toe squish is uncomfortable, then it's uncomfortable and that's unlikely to change as they break in. Even going up half a size may not remedy it greatly enough to offset a worse fit elsewhere in the boot eg. Increased heel slip.
That low profile toe is one of features that makes a MrLou a MrLou but it isn't going to work for everyone. Feet are odd, you could get 5 people all with the same size foot on a brannock device but all have feet completely different in terms of shape and fit tolerance. All we can do is take what we know about your sizing and apply some logic and educated guesswork to it.
@Ross much appreciated detailed response.
@bluemantra the rough out jobmasters are amazingly comfortable. The leather is thick but really pliable and the lace to toe allows me to dial in the fit just right. They are really heavy though.
- 20 days later
@blackbolt look great
For those who have received these already. Have you conditioned or polished them? If so what product/s have you used. If not what products do you plan on using?
@jcurry23 I don't have these but I do have the sample of the these in the same hide and been giving them some serious abuse - I've just used the Obernauf's followed by a go over with some plain boot polish to keep the British weather out. Only needed doing about twice in a years wear, once just before the winter started in earnest then a top up in the new year, not touched them since.
@Ross thanks a bunch for that info.
Any chance you can through some photos up of how they are aging for you?
@jcurry23 This is the most recent pics I've got at 6 months in, honestly they're not that much darker/different now, although they have picked up a bit more indigo transfer from my jeans and a spot of paint from propping a door open with my foot without knowing it had recently been painted
I'll get some more pics up when I can
@Ross Understood. I'll look out for some updates in the future.
Sorry to hear about the paint situation.