Pocketknives/Kitchen Knives/Fixed Blades
Looks like you stabbed Jackson Pollock ???
I spat my coffee out. Well played sir.
Nice one @Giles. I carry the mini version all the time and it is an amazing knife.
@Giles What knife is that?
Agreed! That looks stunning. But other than the design, what about the quality of the blade used? Without much knowledge, I purchased the Mercator knife and after few months of using it, I can already say that the sharpness of the blade has considerably worn down. How does this compare with the Osborne knives?
Is there a difference in the blade quality with the S90V and the S30V?
Made a little lanyard with some Paracord and my GA big rondel
Reinforcement arrives! Because of the temptation from @Giles flashing his 940-1. Please don't do this again!
Could not afford the 940-1, but got hold of a 940 that was running on an offer and could not hold out. The blade is not so sharp as I would have expected, but the handling and the grip is out of the world. The Mercator knife gave me many a times sore hands, but this 940 is so damn comfortable.
Love that lil rondel, @LewisStonehouse
I'm adding a lil shazam to my keyring for a little extra pizazz
love my standard 940 Osborne. Only thing that would make it more perfect would be if it came standard with the deep carry clip.
@chrisjohnnick call BM and tell them you have one of the knives with whatever clip you want. They’ll send you one for free. The trick is to tell them you have a knife that already has one. They won’t send you something different than what you have. They don’t ask for proof that you have it though. That’s what I did for it’s the 940-1.