What's your favorite Beer?
Bad ass !
I have better glasses…..couldn't be arsed to get them.....this one was at the front of the cupboard
Beer fridge set to 13 degrees you bald pig faced twat (no need for tiny print or clever acronyms).
Great // Not my thing but sure others will love it // Not my thing but can't put it down, massively intruiging…
Tripel van De Garre. Nearly impossible to find in the U.S.
I would do horrible things for a few bottles of this elixir of the gods.
+1 on the Funky Gold Amarillo. Careful pouring it- lots of foam on that one.
Way stoked to have that'un… Apple Brandy Noir was 10 €/ pop, so only got two
To Ol... You fucking beauty of a brewery you... This is making me smile... Advertised as a quad, it's more of a mix of a crazy strong dipa and a sweeter (€uro) barleywine... Fucking LOVE it... Extremely drinkable but 11.3%...