Random Rants
@Oaktavia I think it was. I wasn't sure, it was quite awhile back but there was no mentioned (or they mentioned some one else) of whose pair so I was a little annoyed.
@louisbosco I would be too man.
- 9 days later
Weather is weather. The only way I can control it, is to move to somewhere that historically has a history of giving me something that I may find more agreeable. On the basis that I cant be bothered to move, I deal with it, I don't think I have ever said it is too cold/wet/windy/hot/dry....
It is what it is....
Two great quotes from German comedian (not an oxymoron!) Karl Valentin:
"Everyone talks about the weather, nobody does anything about it" („Alle reden vom Wetter, aber keiner unternimmt was dagegen.“)
"I'm happy when it rains, because if I'm unhappy it's still raining" („Ich freue mich, wenn es regnet, denn wenn ich mich nicht freue, regnet es auch.“) -
As much as I love a yearly getaway to warmer places, I'd trade my summers for an eternal winter in a flash.
Granted it rarely drops much lower than -5c here in the UK, but to me there's no better than stepping outside, layered up the max and breathing in that first hit of icy air.
@endo although I like many aspects of winter it also holds some of my most painful memories. But spring always follows winter. Light and warmth follow darkness and cold. Even in the year I felt as if I was still locked in ice as the spring flowers bloomed around me, relief (and release) came in the end.
Not long to go now - if there are any hazel trees near you, they will confirm it!
It's the darkness and the moisture. Here in NoGer it doesn't really get very cold (max around 0°C in a normal winter). But due to it's position between two seas and probably not very different to the British Isles, it's quite damp. Not even raining (or snowing) that much. Just very damp. But it's already obvious that days are getting longer and there is a little more sunshine. Today about 2hrs at midday. Still, almost 3 more months until trees will get green again. Will look out for the hazels @ARNC there are a lot around at my cottage.
@endo the catkins are one of the most obvious signs of the changing seasons near me.
For the pros of winter:
I get to wear my N1
And my A2
Going out in the evening feels like more of an event
Moonlight walks (torches are cheating!)
There are probably others but I can’t think of them right now
Breathing in cold air. Sounds weird after typing it out
Why is everyone such a fucking creep? Cormac McCarthy and Neil Gaiman, looking at you.
@mclaincausey oh no. Much respect for their work but know nothing of them outside some good reads. What kind of shenanigans they get into?
@flannel-slut McCarthy’s thing is kind of old but at age 42 he picked up a 16 year old at a motel pool. Gaiman has a bunch of credible and extremely creepy accusations of sexual misconduct, exploiting power dynamics to do so.
Then we have stories about Danny Elfman and others to add more wood to my bonfire of misanthropy.
@mclaincausey was my guess but wasn’t finding anything specific… all too common