IHSH-08 16oz Super Black Western Shirt
Wise words.
TT -
Well yeah, i mean who doesnt love finding deals and what not… but on the flip side people put a lot of passion into things they create and sometimes i feel slightly guilty buying things used etc ... weird, i know.
Well most of my IH items so far are from SENY, a few pieces i have proxied, a couple i purchased used second hand, and then i got my superblack vest from Giles… def plan to purchase more from SENY/Giles in the future... sorry if i stepped on toes w my ebay purchase/post i didn't really think anything about it at the time.
Well yeah, i mean who doesnt love finding deals and what not… but on the flip side people put a lot of passion into things they create and sometimes i feel slightly guilty buying things used etc ... weird, i know.
I know how you feel. It's kind of a strange Stickholm Syndrome thing. Or just the fact that Giles treated me so well on our last transaction that I want to reciprocate his kindness and proffesionalism with more of my business. I did have a bit of guilt when I was unable to pass up my $100 herringbone loggers however. I try to honor the great treatment Ive gotten from G by sharing my interest and love for this brand with anyone who will listen…
Thanks again to the whole IH crew for maintaing such integrity with their business and products! -
I have a Face Book page only intended to promote IH gear… I love promoting TW and IH gear to any- and everyone... http://www.facebook.com/Seul.IH
Other than that: I have a lot of people on a number of messageboards who ask me about clothes, mostly denim… The last couple of months I've found myself to be linking to the IH forum and shop only... A mate even PM'ed me asking whether I was working for IH... I responded...
Seul posted this August 21st, 2010 @ 10:58:39 am, So Cal'd bro. » quote#2
I don't work for IH - but I back what I know is the best.Eli.
I guess there's no cure to us IH junks…
Hopefully that Super Stealth is ready for Zhivago when we go to Vegas Sept. 30th.
HumboldtxIHxVegas…We can only hope, my fingers will remain crossed for the next month I guess.
I guess there's no cure to us IH junks…
Yeah i got so mad at one of my friends who thought i was wearing levis..
Yeah, I have had that numerous time with a few items. I don't mind it. In fact, I enjoy it in a sick denim nerd kind of way…
1st wash: 30 C°, with some natural soap, delicate setting
==> noticed some sérious white streaks so I tossed it in the washing machine again2nd wash: 40 C°, with some washing detergent for black stuff, delicate setting, extra rinsing
==> it still looks like shit…3rd wash: any tips?..
Pics (btw: it's not dust, I've applied a dustroller on it):
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soap streaks? have you tried a clean water rinse/soak?
man that really sucks seul.
simon626, i think u might be right about the cause of those "fades".
i recall something like that happening to DougNG when he washed his riders jackect and didn't let it get good & saturated before the machine started with it's business. not like any of that helps you at this point . . . hopefully i'm wrong & someone with more experience can give you some proper guidance on this.