IH-888-XHS - 25oz Selvedge Denim Medium/High Rise Tapered Cut Jeans - Indigo
My tailor had to use the sewing machine that he uses to sew leather to work on my 25OZ denim.
My local seamstress asked me not to bring her my jeans anymore LOL
Yeah I had to double check but verified that both Railcar and IP charge more for heavyweight denim. Tougher job! I always get em hemmed by IH if I can, because they do a great job and it's free. Alas I don't think I'd do it though if I wasn't familiar with the cut / denim already, too much of a gamble.
Yes definitely call and verify with Railcar that they do 25oz denim! I myself drove all the way down there and they turned me away and told me they couldn’t do 25oz because it could potentially damage their machines. Not sure if it was because they were in the middle of remodeling or what the situation was but they wouldn’t touch my 25oz denim.
@Oz430 ugh, that's rough! I drove up to them once from Garden Grove. It was a trek and a half! And now that I thinka bout it, it's funny that they told you that, because Railcar brought in the waist and hemmed my PIH5DCT (25oz Iron Heart x Pronto collab.). But that was like 5 years ago.
@Oz430 ugh, that's rough! I drove up to them once from Garden Grove. It was a trek and a half! And now that I thinka bout it, it's funny that they told you that, because Railcar brought in the waist and hemmed my PIH5DCT (25oz Iron Heart x Pronto collab.). But that was like 5 years ago.
No shit! Yea I live in Westminster so it was quite the mission to get there and be turned away!
But Steven wasn’t there and the place was turned upside down when I went recently maybe 2-3 months back so not sure if that was bad timing or what but definitely make sure!
Huh, wild. Their site says they do up to 25 but yeah I would definitely call to check knowing that happened!
No shit! Yea I live in Westminster so it was quite the mission to get there and be turned away!
But Steven wasn’t there and the place was turned upside down when I went recently maybe 2-3 months back so not sure if that was bad timing or what but definitely make sure!
We're practically neighbors! Next time, we can carpool to Railcar!
If you need hemming on 25oz, you can always hit up Self Edge in LA. I'm honestly not sure which trip would take longer
No shit! Yea I live in Westminster so it was quite the mission to get there and be turned away!
But Steven wasn’t there and the place was turned upside down when I went recently maybe 2-3 months back so not sure if that was bad timing or what but definitely make sure!
We're practically neighbors! Next time, we can carpool to Railcar!
If you need hemming on 25oz, you can always hit up Self Edge in LA. I'm honestly not sure which trip would take longer
Lmao sounds like a plan bro! idk why I didnt think about self edge! :o I ended up going to Butterscotch in Long Beach seems like they had some trouble with it as the chain stitch didnt come out very great will probably get it re-done in the future
Still haven't washed or soaked these. I've dropped some lb's so I can afford the shrinkage now so maybe a wash is in order before they go away for the hottest months.
Nice job on the weight loss, Jeff!
People have been saying it on the forums forever, but I finally saw it for myself. I hand-washed my 888-XHS a couple of times recently because they were nasty. I used cold water but really got my hands into them, rubbing the detergent is as best as I could. Wow, the agitation really does make a difference! Even though the water was cold, they really puckered up after that wash.
How are the Ridgemont sneakers treatin' ya? They look great!
Well, it only took about a month, but finally got my botched hem job XHS back. Hot soaked em, almost no waist shrink and about 1/4” length shrink. Flipped em inside out, threw em in a hot wash in the machine and line dried. Minimal shrinkage in the waist, like less that a 1/4 “ and got another 1/4” in the length, for a total of 1/2” length shrinkage, which is perfect, because I asked for a 33” hem from Self Edge and got a 32.5”. I think they tightened up just enough to make em look nice and trim!
Before soak/wash
Post soak and wash
Thanks @Matt y'all weren’t lying about the thumb pain when buttoning these SOBs! I took @jordanscollected advice and used the knife honing tool from my kitchen and worked the holes over before I threw these in the wash. Had that tool all ready to go again once they dried and ready to mount. Didn’t even need it the second time. Buttoned up pretty easily. Loving the feel of these heavies. 1000 fans can’t be wrong!!
fit came out great after the wash/shrink. i bet thats quite the relief after all the hoops you had to jump through
Yea I feel like people over hype the break in on the XHS. Get a pair that's a bit snug out of the package, wash em if you want and they'll be stiff for a bit but after a day or two of wear no big deal.
Here's a picture of mine post wash:
Well if anyone would know it would be you @Giles you said your first pair drew blood for the first two weeks!! Haha. Literally, or metaphorically??
Is it weird I was actually hoping for a bit more pain in this process? Masochist that I am, perhaps. Maybe a lifetime of throwing my self off of stairs, ledges, and rails on my skateboard have made my legs impervious to abrasion. Either way, loving these XHS so far!! -
Well if anyone would know it would be you @Giles you said your first pair drew blood for the first two weeks!! Haha. Literally, or metaphorically??
Literally. I was doing a lot of physical work at the time (moving in to and outfitting our first office)…..
Damn @Giles i just read through that whole thread. That was a really cool look into the history of IHUK. Thanks for sharing that. I can only imagine how proud you are to have brought this IH name to the larger world and grown from such humble beginnings!! Don’t fuck it up @Alex haha. Totally joking. With the amount my closet has grown recently all signs point to continued success! Can’t thank y’all enough for doing things as well as ya do!!!