Random Announcements
wish it was this cold where I am. but no its probably raining and 22C cause of a stupid monsoon.
@Matt yeah, that’s chilly man. Lol
@Matt nothing beats a weather forecast like this, this time of year. Watching your team in the playoffs while everyone’s faces freeze off Tom Coughlin style and you’re warm and toasty in your living room
All the more sweeter
It's going to be cold in North Carolina Mon., Tue., and Wed. but nothing like Baltimore or Wisconsin.
@Giles Thank you and what I see many times over the course of the winter. It’s a beautiful sight to see that changes daily with some days where it sounds like breaking glass as the chunks of ice grind against each other.
Quite the experience. I need to work on getting you guys here to experience it. You’ll just need to find some heavy clothing to withstand the freezing temperatures
@sabergirl said in Random Announcements:
Numbers of jackets you have = n
Number of jackets you need = n + 1I thought this equation was well proven around these parts.
The @Max-Power theory
Katie and I got it within hours. We’ve been struck by it together before and every time we have different symptoms. I exclusively experience the southern version while she opts for the northern. That was the least gross language I could think of. Fortunately we have three bathrooms. One for her, one for me and one for the kids who didn’t get it.