Been moody vibin' to On Dark Horses today
@sabergirl Seems appropriate.
Just discovered Complete Mountain Almanac and have already listened twice through the whole thing. Possibly I’m a bit slow on the uptake but definitely worth a listen!
I sing , Take a Look Around, Less than 3, Alternative Hypothesis, Amber Morning Sun and Matter of Survival. My friends band and he asked me to sing. It was fun recording them but I can sing them all so much better now lol
Pony Bradshaw deserves to have so many more ears enjoying his music.
@jordanscollected ah, nice!!! New record?
@popvulture no that's off an older cd but it's one of my favorites. He does have a new album coming out in mid august called "Thus spoke the fool" and he has released one single so far.
I am still amazed he isn't more popular. One of the best voices I've ever heard.
The new Slash album Orgy of the Damned is fantastic, just ripping a bunch of classic blues standards with guests. Can’t pick favorites just yet, so consistently good.
I went home to visit my dad a couple weeks ago and they were playing that record a bunch on the Sirius blues station he listens to. Good tunes, thought the one w Chris Robinson was a standout.
@goosehd and anyone else interested: . Tour and new album announced for next year. Will have to see if I want to shell out close to €100 though