IHSH-189-BRN - 17oz Duck CPO Work Shirt - "The UnTucked" - Brown
@mjn221 This is a long shot but I figured I give you a quick plug. Are you an XL and would you consider the western version? The above link has the 211 duck for sale and I highly recommend it. -
Yeah, I regret not picking this one up too. So nice
@mjn221 This is a long shot but I figured I give you a quick plug. Are you an XL and would you consider the western version? The above link has the 211 duck for sale and I highly recommend it.@jordanscollected
THANKS (for the reference to the IHSH-211) !
I did see that in the buying & selling forum.
…Very tempting similar option, but I have a slight preference for this in the work-shirt version (IHSH-189). -
How has everyone been finding this shirt?
I really enjoy my IH-2526J but just can't get over it's length of 23.1" (24.2" on the IH-526J-142 works well for me). I think if this (duck work with pockets) returns
or IH-2526J is re-made with >24" (on medium) I'd pick it up and sell my IH-2526J.
Anyone have both this and IH-2526J and can provide some comparison opinions?
This was one of those things when first released I passed on and knew I would get eventually. Then it disappeared and I kept thinking that it would come back…then I realized it was never coming back...and now here it is.
You guys are the experts at keeping us on the (fishing) line...
Aaah shucks…one I cannot pass on but one I haven't budgeted for....
Having never owned a CPO and only piecing it together from pictures, I take it the pocket bags do not form internal pockets like on the modified type iii's? Could sunglasses hang from the top of the pocket bag though?
They don't on the 18oz indigo one. I'd assume it'd be the same across the board.
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Having never owned a CPO and only piecing it together from pictures, I take it the pocket bags do not form internal pockets like on the modified type iii's? Could sunglasses hang from the top of the pocket bag though?
They don't on the 18oz indigo one. I'd assume it'd be the same across the board.
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I wore mine last week and tried putting a pen in the inside flap and it fell to the floor. You could hang sunglasses from it though but be mindful of crushing them.