Giles and Paula's Great Retirement Adventure
She looks great, best of luck.
looking forward!!
Great news! Way to keep the dream moving forward!
Today, @The Crew and I went to look at Pilgrim.
We fucking loved her. Perhaps the most immaculate not-new boat I have ever stepped foot on.
I shook on the deal with the current owner, Paula did a side deal for the 4 sets of specially made bed linen, we arranged for her to be lifted out for a survey next week. If that goes well, and frankly I'll be amazed if she does not pass with flying colours, the boat is ours….
Celebratory lunch was had here, seemed appropriate….
On another point. We were discussing renaming her on the way to the viewing. We'll likely keep Pilgrim in the short term, but have decided upon a name if we do rename her, or get a Nordy.
Andrew a really good friend, of ours, is currently near end-of-life, He had a boat called "Last Call" (yes he enjoyed a drink or two), which I crewed for him once when he took it over to France.
He had really wanted to name her "Far Call", but his wife vetoed it, saying that it was just too rude.
Paula and I have decided that it would be nice to use the name "Far Call", as a tribute to Andrew, and because, well it seems appropriate for me…..
She cleans up nice @Giles!