Hifi, Lofi - Show us What you Listen With…...
@chrisjohnnick Very nice setup! Is the McIntosh worth it? I always drool when looking at them, but the price tag scares me…
My Marantz setup was my main for years, and I was very happy with it. I happened to find the MX113 and MC250 on craigslist for $20 about 15 years ago and jumped on it. Yes, $20. I don't think I've ever driven and ran quicker to pick up something. Took them straight to my tech and had them put about $150 of work into them to get them back up. The guy was cleaning out his dad's garage, and said they hadn't been used or plugged in for maybe 20+ years. It definitely sounds amazing, especially when cranked. Don't know if it's worth the price tag new, but definitely worth the used market price tag.
What a great find! Some of McIntosh setups can get very expensive. The nearest Audiophile shop near me has all of the gear listed as POR (price on request), and I’m the type that was taught if you have to ask then…
I did go into the shop once to audition some of the gear, but knew I was in over my head right away. Left and haven’t been back. I still dream though.
Yea, the Mc's are definitely forever pieces for me. I might upgrade the Thorens to something more high end down the road, but every time I consider it, I seem to find something else I'd rather spend the money on. Same thing with the speakers.
Early 1970‘s Pioneer SA-8100 and TX-8100. I had both stored away the last couple of years and finally dug them out after moving to our new home. Need to have them servised though.
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Rega Planar 1 and Kanto YU6
Sansui G-6000 … overbuilt Japanese engineering!
@Giles I have a Sonos setup at home that I love. I have the Sonos 5, the sub, and 2 sonos Amp: Connect powering ceiling speakers throughout the house.
What is your review of the Roam? We take an old Jambox mini out on the boat and when we are swimming/floating around the boat the sound doesn't hold up. I was thinking of adding the Roam if it had enough power to give us a better sound in open air. I've considered the Move too, but it's a bit bulky to pack for the boat every time.
Cool thread!
Adding a bit here from the DIY / tube side of the house.
Single ended / ultra-linear switchable KT88 with a split rail power supply power amp (about 8wpc) and a 300B preamplifier based on a bottlehead beepree2. There's a bottlehead crack just below for HD580 headphones just peaking through, a schiit gungnir multibit dac hidden beneath, and a roon endpoint feeding it all out of the frame tucked away. Speakers are a set of floor standing omega single drivers in sapele. I also made a first watt aleph j that sounds terrific but it doesnt quite fit in the shelving, so I only use it on occasion. -
@pechelman nice tube gear! I just entered the tube game with a Luxman LX-380 and a pair of Zu Omen II speakers. Sounding pretty good in here!
Thanks @setandsetting, your setup looks great too, and excellent cable management!
Have read great things about the Zu's but never the chance to listen. Looks like a nice space to enjoy them in as well. -
I been spoilt with Streamer lately.
After putting some time to create proper listening space at new place, I hope I could be more ear to my P2 with exact stylus. I still remembered the warmth to my ear from vinyl.
@oblivion-sila Beautiful setup!
Vinyl's great but I love roon. It's very hard to argue with my inner pragmatist to sit back and swap albums with a tap on a screen. Great setup @oblivion-sila !
@oblivion-sila Im actually going to a listening party tomorrow night for the 50th anniversary of DSOTM. A local vintage hifi equipment shop is going to debut a new release of a live performance of DSOTM from Wembley 1974. Can’t wait to hear this on the highest end vintage equipment ever!! Should be a treat!!
Thank you @goosehd @pechelman
Vinyl is worth it but yeah need a lil bit more effort. Not sure we are in good era but surely we are so spoilt with streaming. -
@Mizmazzle It sounds mysterious. I found some stuff back visiting Worthing but when you say vintage, that will be surely older than those. Please share us your experience.
@oblivion-sila I will man. I just hope to god I don’t end up spending 10k on a McIntosh tube amp haha. They have so much amazing shit at this store. Fortunately or unfortunately, I don’t have 10k at the moment haha
@Mizmazzle Mac makes great stuff, but I'd highly recommend going the DIY route if you're at all interested in tube stuff on a budget. Bottlehead makes great kits if you arent otherwised electrically inclined that are easy to follow and they sound fantastic.