Wabbidashery… aka, The Heritage Heaven Tour
Love this @denim-dawg and really love what you are doing with this jacket
Muchachos grachias, amichas! I'd love to be raising glasses and talking 14oz and up with you all - but alas, the stage calls.
Here is a spur of the moment unplanned spoken word to bring you into the weekend. This time with original music score by Kohib.
„Wabbidashery … aka , The Heritage Tour“ #First leg in HEAVEN!
Unbelievable great work @denim-dawg
Took me three times watching; to hear the original music score for the first time.
Thanks for your affords, to keep this Forum
this amazing positive place … -
Wow I just caught up on all this super quality work, thanks for the entertainment
Here is another hot tip for your next fishing trip to Norway, folks.
Featuring the second Kohib wabash original score (@kohibmusic) - with Denim Dawg on his National Resonator 12 string... is this a theme tune or a soundtrack?
Love it! Makes we wish it was still cooler here in Nashville. I feel like we went from cool and chilly mornings to hot and humid overnight. I just packed away almost all my jackets a couple weeks ago!
this is so gorgeous
You should start Iron TV , the denim channel -
Todays the first day of the Midnigt Sun!
Started the day walking on top of a mountain and going down on the snowbird, before first day of rehearsals for the new play. Wish you all a super start to your week, denimlovers!
Significantly better than how I ended my day
ha yes! also, Love the Black Sheep trucker hat, I worked for Goorin for several years!
@denim-dawg Have you considered joining us in Hamburg in Sept? I feel like you could help take our shenanigans to the next level.
@denim-dawg hell yeah dude!! Good luck with the play rehearsals!! I’m curious, what play are you going to be a part of?
@Matt significantly cooler than how I started my day sweating my arse off in the tropics.
Just beautiful! -
@Matt said in Wabbidashery… aka, The Heritage Heaven Tour:
@denim-dawg Have you considered joining us in Hamburg in Sept? I feel like you could help take our shenanigans to the next level.
^ what he said
@chrisjohnnick did you really? Amazing - how was it? The cap is superb. My wife got it for me….
Which one do you have? -
@Mizmazzle Thank you so much, mate
It’s an old comedy about people who are bored and who are in love with the wrong person. Hahaha… opens September 16th.