Invincible was amazing. My wife hated it because it was so damn graphic. what a show. Sweet tooth season 1 was decent, but i couldn't get past episode 1 of season 2. they spent like 3 minutes repeating "im exhausted I need rest!!!" "No, you need to continue to research!!!" and i turned it off.
We're watching Drops of God right now about a woman who inherits her late fathers extensive wine collection, but to get it she needs to face off with his protege student in a blind taste off. weird premise, good acting and storyarc so far
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Second season of Wheel of Time dropping soon. Big fan of the book series as well (though Robert Jordan did go word vomit towards the last few books). Anyone on the fence otta give season 2 an opportunity. Season 1, much like book 1, isn’t anything special but book 2 is an all time fantasy read.
@jordanscollected Drops of God sounds interesting
Season 2 of The Bear is great. More heart than last season. Platonic is underrated I think.
@Nik Platonic has really mixed reviews. I think Seth Rogan is a hot button for some people. It's been on my maybe list but i will give it a try after Drops of God
@flannel-slut said in TV:
the last few books
You mean the ones that were written by Brandon Sanderson after Jordan passed, or the last few written by Jordan himself? Because I'd agree with you on Sanderson's writing, but I still felt he managed to stick the landing.
Again the books are better than the show in this instance. The show has made some weird tweaks which are clearly aimed at appealing to modern sensibilities around gender, like how Morainne doesn't know which of the kids is the Dragon Reborn and how the ladies are now also Ta'veren, but which in my opinion were unecessary (I thought the ladies were bad-asses in their own right, and my favourite characters in the books was Nynaeve and Egwene). It will be interesting to see how they handle all the stuff with the damane, given how jumpy everyone gets around the subject of slavery these days.
@jordanscollected said in TV:
Invincible was amazing.
If you can't wait to see what happens, I highly recommend the comic books. It's a very satisfying story.
Hell yeah Ed! going to try and not go down the WOT rabbit hole, especially on a TV thread but it's hard to contain the nerd in me. @EdH in complete agreement with all of the above. Sanderson absolutely stuck the landing (Stormlight Archive is fantastic BTW). Though it took about a book to write the characters as Jordan had (in particular Cuthon), he progressed the story in a MUCH needed way. Books 7-9 was where I was getting fatigued by Jordans writing, such as describing the pattern and colors of a vase for pages on end.
I hope they do not mess with season 2 and the Damane (end of season 1 left me optimistic/anxious for season 2).
The ladies Ta'veren definitely alters a LOT of what's to come, and have to repeat your sentiments, unnecessary. The Aes Sedai; total badassery. Avienda and the Aiel; will you marry me? Avienda; yaaaasssss. Lanfear and the Forgotten, have I said badassery yet? -
I’ve been catching up on animated SW in preparation for Ashoka next week. So far I’ve finished Clone Wars. It starts out slow but really delivers in the end. The way the last few episodes show an alternate perspective of the events of Revenge of the Sith is very cool to see.
Rebels has been my favorite all around series so far. Finished it today. If you plan on watching Ashoka, Rebels is a prerequisite.
Just started Tales of the Jedi and the only problem with it is that there isn’t enough of it. The stories and animation are among the best in all of SW in my opinion.
I saved Bad Batch for last as I was on clone overload after 7 seasons of Clone Wars. Watched the first episode and I think I’ll enjoy it.
@Matt never did delve into the SW animations... you definitely caught my interest with Clone Wars and the alternate perspective in Revenge of the Sith (not popular opinion, but easily my favorite of the 6)
@Matt my son is pretty obsessed with all things clone wars. I’ve only seen a few but liked what I’ve seen. Watched the first episode of Visions and was blown away by the animation and story. We need to get caught up on everything before Ahsoka only thing I didn’t really love was the Obi-Wan series. My kids got exposed early to all things Star Wars…I still had all my toys from childhood. Darth Vader case filled with original figures and some ships. Now we just need to get to all the new stuff at Disneyworld!
@Matt Rebel is well underrated one of my favourites, it got heavily slagged for the "thin" lightbsabers but it was Dave Filoni nod to the Originals because the sabres was also thinner than the prequels. @SKT Clone wars is great for lore and like matt said the first few season (until season 3 IMO) can be a bit meh but does deliver and gets better and better. I would definitely be watching Rebels before Ashoka if you haven't as it will be heavily influenced by Rebels events and characters.
Might be a bit of a hot take, but i thought all of Clone Wars was great. I also enjoyed the first season of Bad Batch. I haven’t gotten very far in the second season. It’s been so long since I watched Rebels, but I loved it. I’m hoping that it will all come back to me and I’ll remember, because I don’t have time for a re-watch and won’t want to wait to jump right in to Ahsoka!
Tales of the Jedi is beautiful, but I wasn’t really hooked into it and only watched like two. I hope that wasn’t a mistake for being able to follow the new show. Teenage me would be so disappointed in me for not obsessively consuming every scrap of Star Wars that is available, but that’s a higher bar than it was in 1993.
@sabergirl Tales is not required viewing for moving forward. It really just fills in some spaces that are very interesting but not revelatory. I really enjoyed the Dooku story.