In Fitness and in Health
@mclaincausey 100% on IF. I don’t miss breakfast (usually) and I absolutely feel better during the day. The only thing I’m really starting to be conscious of now is to make sure I’m eating enough protein.
@mclaincausey I used to do IF for several years while I was not yet into endurance sports and rather lifting and playing American football. It helped me getting into single digit body fat percentages due to „skipping“ a meal (calorie in vs calorie out).
And yes, it helps the body to utilise fat better as a fuel source, but don’t confuse fat burning efficiency with burning body fat. Fats and carbs are fuel sources, completely independent from your body fat.
My diet changed to being more carb and protein focused since I fell like my body needs the energy on hard training days. -
Yes they’re fuel, and you need fuel to work out. If you do fasted cardio, your body must look to glycogen or stored fat for fuel. Hopefully that will reduce body fat.
I did a 120 hour fast last year, which dropped 4kgs of fat (weight loss after re-feeding). I carried on weight training (with around 50% intensity compared to normal) and easy cardio (again, taking it easy - HR Zone 3 or the low-end of 4 for those that know what that means) throughout. Other than water, I had black coffee, 2x daily salts (one sachet during exercise, one in the evening), and that was it during the fast.
It was effective, and after that keeping to a restricted eating window of 4 hours per day on most days since then has been an absolute doddle.
My routine is simple. I workout, 5 days per week (45 min sessions) with light weights. I also walk 11000 steps a day (about 7km).
The older I get, the more I focus on healthy diet.
For me, flexibility and holding a healthy weight is something I’ve always been committed to.
Last, AB’s are made in the kitchen and not in the gym as they say.
@Brandrea said in In Fitness and in Health:
Last, AB’s are made in the kitchen and not in the gym as they say.
This is so true.
However… brownies are also made in the kitchen so I’m torn.
@Matt brother from another mother
Mostly procrastinating my afternoon workout but wanted to share some of my favorite exercise accessories.
Airex Corona mat. You can use it for yoga (and it is advertised as such) but the extra foam makes for a very humbling experience -simple balancing poses are more challenging due to less stability. We love it for core workouts or any exercises that require you to be on the floor. The foam padding they use is more than worth the high price point.
Pso Rite. Both pieces are more or less mid evil torture devices. The black u shaped one is for loosening up the psoas muscle. I could not recommend looking into this more if you are experiencing tight hip flexors or a tight lower back. The hungry hippo teeth looking one is great for releasing muscle tension and knots around your traps/upper back.
Versa Grips. I never bought into wrist straps mostly because wraps were too much a hassle and just figured id get the added benefit of improving grip strength going wout. If you are experiencing grip failure before your target muscle burns out, give these a look. I find myself using for just about all my “pulling” exercises now.
I just recently got back into running again. Used to run long distance in high school and fizzled out with running semi regularly maybe 15 or so years ago. Also just picked up a punching bag and some gloves on the local used market.
I think I’m going to get into a regular routine that mixes running, biking, and boxing.
@T4920 thats sweet of you, if only it were true I spent most of May-July on the road in the US/EU and Japan/China so I have been piling on the weight from meals out too often, but have been back in the swing of things exercise wise for a month or so now
The gym is pretty popular, yes. 7 / 16 staff are using it regularly and 1 more is likely to 'join' next month.
@Alex nah for real, I thought you were looking slimmer and more muscular in some recent pics on the WAYWT thread.
Glad it's getting some use, looks like a great set up!
I upped my cardio and started lifting again about three months ago because because I didn't like how I looked in some IH tees I bought.
They look great now, but now I'm getting a bit too bulky for some of my smaller shirts!
Just can't win can ya...