Love those indigo wabash bibs! I have the black wabash ones, and generally prefer those ones over the 805’s these days. They’re lighter weight and super soft.
@chrisjohnnick I love 'em too! More into 805s when it's cold out. Plus I get cold in the 815 when the temps drop.
@endo even the way you breathe is Brotherly, my friend. Always classy
Back to the Future… Found this ancient photo taken today… hope everyone’s having a lovely selvedge Sunday!
@denim-dawg great shot
@SKT Thanks - it’s my wife shooting. Good to see a bib-brother working the coals
Have a good one!
Oh wise ones how do you size your bibs? My best fitting jeans are ~18 -18.5”. Did you try to match your best fitting jean size to your bib size or slightly larger for a more relaxed fit? Thank you for sharing your collective wisdom
@Inorganic I wear the same size in my bibs as my jeans but YMMV.
@Oaktavia thanks!!! By size I think you mean waist dimension vs tag size, right? Based on tag size it seems these run a big - I usually get 34 but the 32’s are showing that 18” sweet spot.
@pechelman said in BROTHERHOOD OF BIB:
I'm usually a tag 34 in jeans and also took a 34 in 805s. Think of the waist measurement on bibs to be a bit more like a shirt hem opening.
This is the same for me @Inorganic
@pechelman & @Oaktavia very helpful. Thanks gents
Well that escalated quickly… there some sort of rose ceremony that happens now? The fit is spot on (these are the 34’s)
I dunno about roses, but there's certainly a patch you can get now
Great fit @Inorganic !
@Inorganic woah that was quick! Those look like a super nice fit dude. How they feel?
@Oaktavia i know right!? it was lightening fast. I tried them on and putzed around the house (its hot here in Portland, OR) - they feel great - there will be some getting used the feel and form factor - but I'm stoked to get these in heavy rotation.