Jacques Marie Mage (JMM) - Sunglasses and Frames…
@Inorganic the Cirneco is 184th out of 200 in the popularity ranking of breeds that the AKC recognises. Holly, who owns that pup, also has an Azawakh (at 196) and a Sloughi (at 200).
I'd agree that they're very pretty hounds.
There are a lot of interesting dog breeds that people don't generally know, and they're often overlooked. It's not too hard to find a breeder, and they can be cheaper than their more common cousins, because you have to know about them and hunt them down if you want one,
@choco those look rad. I was on the hunt for some Vendomes but our local spot sold out. Those transitions look great too
@Graeme not a fan of metal frames..
@louisbosco I generally prefer metal to acetate, so I'm your opposite.
I always liked those exact frames you liked… until I tried them on.What is so awesome about this brand, beyond the craftsmanship, materials and design… is the selection.
I’m squarely in the Molino, Jeff, Herbie, Dealen camp. I do own a Fellini, but reach for the others more frequently. I also own a Last Frontier Dayton.
These shades are totally worthy of collecting. I now never abuse/lose my glasses. Was always a problem when my previous sunnies felt “disposable”. Haha!
Random story on how I came across jmm just the other day.
Man had striking pair of frames in the restaurant and I complimented but couldn’t make out what he said they were. Next day on Reddit someone asked what frames were in a picture and I thought they looked familiar and sure enough they were jmm.
So here I am
I was in a high end opto-boutique about 10 years ago just browsing… when I came upon the JMM display, everything else seemed weak, cheap and lazy. The JMM had that classic 50’s-60’s style I had always loved and they felt so substantial and bulletproof. Almost choked at the price!! $550 in 2015!! I went for it and haven’t looked back. I wear them every single day.
Recently, I took my most worn pair to a JMM boutique to be re-polished and “freshened”. The tech said she’d never seen a pair so well worn. I was proud of that… but also, I put myself on notice to maybe have a few pairs to work into the rotation. Beware friend- it’s a slippery slope!!!! -
@Autorotate I’ll have to add those other styles to the list to try on. I could be wrong but it looks like where I live (Austin) there’s only one place that carries jmm. And yes I instantly thought slippery slope.
@Dchill curious who carries them in Austin — I know Stars in Your Eyes used to, but afaik now they’re closed or were bought by another company?
@popvulture according to google Optique downtown carries jmm.
I am curious, but would really try them on given the size of some of the models. Not sure there is any shop in Copenhagen that carries any selection to speak of.
To be really honest a lot of the shots in this thread look to me like the frames are comically oversized for the respective wearer, but might be an effect of wide angle selfies.
Of cause: I live in DK, with around 1900 hours of sunshine, vs. Los Angeles with around 3200... investing in rain gear is more appropriate around here
@Tobi I can confirm that the selfie wide-angle effect is real. I had a pair of Dealan 55 (you can probably find a pic of me in em somewhere in this thread) that are made for people like me (I have a big-ass head), and they looked sort of ridiculous in selfies — I felt like some kind of fucking gangster or something. I sold them and bought a pair of regular Dealans (I also preferred the more cat eye shape on the regs), which looked pretty great in selfies but always felt a little too narrow for my face when I was just looking in a mirror. Looking back at non-selfie pics, I think the 55s actually looked better on me. The regulars were fine, but just a hair too narrow for my taste. I think the pinched effect of too-small glasses is way worse than ones that look too big. Makes you look like you've got a big melon head. Anyway, I'm rambling, but I think you're right to consider the distortion element when picking out a pair.
I'd definitely try to go check some out in person if you can. I think JMMs are pretty fantastic, but my one kind of irreconcilable beef is that they're just not worth it after the price increase. They were already absurdly priced. If you can stomach it, you'll enjoy the glasses for sure, but you can also find some good scores used.
Many good points made throughout this latest discussion. I’ve found a minor salve for the price point shock is using insurance $/benefits for the purchase. Finding an in-network store can be tricky (I’ve called shops up & down the west coast) - but even the out of network benefits help. I have a few frames now and even my wife has one (well she took the Dealans I bought from @popvulture ). As a daily wearer of glasses I see JMMs as the only frames that hold their value.
@Inorganic thanks! I had to track these ones down all the way in Norway. The last brandnew pair I was able to find from this collection