Nice fit on the cargos @Appfaff . Wish mine fit a bit more like yours, picked them slightly snug. They are comfy alright but they’d feel even better if sized like yours.
@Matt - I’ve had a damn hard time keeping my Campari stocked - for some reason all the liquor stores have been running low for almost a year - hoping you lots of luck!
@motojobobo - thanks my man - I’ve somehow lost a bunch of weight in my waist, so my pair is just baggy now - they were SKINN tight when I got them!
@Matt campari sodas are my summer go to. Always liked bitter coffees, drinks, women……
@AdamC - and your sneakers?
@Crispy-Heron Stepney Workers Club
Shirt looks great
@jordanscollected what watch is that?
@jordanscollected Love you
It's the sample which is tagged large but may have no bearing on production sizing.