@Giles thanks G!
@Subprime epic photos. I took my wife to Smith Rock on one of our first dates.
@SourPower where do you like to fish? Those boulders remind me a bit of fishing around deckers and in the canyon.
@twin those 777s are looking fantastic!
@pechelman this was South Boulder Creek below Gross Dam, my closest tailwater. I love to fish the Ark and Clear Creek, but as soon as the ice is gone I’ll be at the alpine lakes.
@SourPower Thanks they are the newer ones. When a restock arrives I will order some more 777-XHSib.
@Denimhead-0 that bike is looking gorgeous, who made the frame? Love the Paul levers.
@Denimhead-0 A good way to fade those 888-XHS
@SourPower used to fish there a good bit too; know the water reasonably well. Looks like a nice sunny day to be outside.
@jordanscollected Nice pics along the river.
@SourPower Thanks, it’s from Bishop Bikes, small builder out of Maryland.
@Twistlock I really wish I’d gotten that shirt in a L instead of a M. Such a great shirt.