@den1mhead enjoy the ride.
@den1mhead enjoy the ride.
@twin, Jules took this picture just before I set off and then I posted the picture upon my return.
Cheers, I had a blast -
Also rode all day today,my favorite riding weather. Start temps in the mid 40s,quickly warming up to the 50s topping out in the low 60s. The reason I got involved with Iron Heart in the first place was to have great jeans to ride in a varied temperature range. Had chaps on in the morning.
love the bike @den1mhead
love the bike @den1mhead
Cheers buddy. I'm sure you'd love it even more if you took it out for a blast
Article on a custom Knucklehead build at Revzilla, where the builder fabricated everything apart from the engine.
Admittedly, I know next to nothing about motorcycles, so forgive the potentially dumb question- wouldn't the exhaust burn your thigh and butt routed that way?
Admittedly, I know next to nothing about motorcycles, so forgive the potentially dumb question- wouldn't the exhaust burn your thigh and butt routed that way?
Yes. Yes it would.
The air would stink of scorched hipster. -
woman hits me at a roundabout. bike got a little scratched and a broken mirror but my 666UHR got off well.
Glad that you're OK @louisbosco, roundabouts can be treacherous. The bike can always be repaired.
So did the UHRs get some interesting fades from the experience?
thanks @Graeme sadly, no. all i got was this. not that i wanna put it to the test again though…
the bike's alright to ride off still. i had an english instructor before, he did say, australian drivers are the worst at a roundabout.
@louisbosco I've found the driving standard in Australia to be pretty bad.
I got knocked off on a roundabout once myself, and I've been a bit nervous on them since. Had a couple of close calls when people weren't paying attention on them too. I agree that it's not something you want to repeat.
@louisbosco Visordown has posted full details on the BMW HP4 Race.
215 bhp and 171 kg fully fuelled are the headline numbers.
oh boy
that's the price of a new gtr35….
At about a fifth of the price of the HP4 Race, but with about half the horsepower, the R nineT Racer is surely better value. And leaves more money to buy denim afterwards.
There's a great comment from Ola Stenegärd, the bike's designer, about the lack of comfort.
"Seriously, there is always a great danger when you try to compromise too many wills and functions into one bike, the main message easily gets washed away. This bike is not about bags or long distance comfort - we have other bikes that cover this ground much better. This bike is about the looks and spirit of an old-school race bike. And I think that'll take you a long way, wouldn't you agree?"
Have you had a go on one yet @Sam?
I'm currently trying to save my pennies up but they keep disappearing! I've not been for a ride on it yet although i did ride that BMW that came by a few months ago and it felt amazing. My bike at the moment needs an MOT so i can't get up to Alton to check it out… i could get the train but i've had enough of trains lately!Since owning a house i've found that you can no longer have fun! Or maybe i'm just doing it wrong? who knows... but i'm thinking next year i'll have something saved up for myself that WILL go on something two wheeled.
Thanks for the reminders though! You've become my main source of motorcycle news and inspiration