Random questions to which you seek an answer
@Matt black on my commuter, but now you got me thinking it might be rad to switch it out to a spare white one….
@Alex ….did you mention a while ago a potential collaboration with Dark Arts Coffee or was I dreaming?
Beautiful, thank you @Jett129. In the first place I was just wondering if there were any with hand warmers. I understand that - originally - they weren't part of the denim jackets, both type II and III, but got more commonly with the type IIIs. Now, I learned there are also some type IIs with pockets, but it seems to be the minority.
@Alex what, if any, are the challenges with making a heavier weight raw denim? Haraki made the 21/23, but couldn't he simply leave the XHS in "Loom state" and have a 23/25 (or whatever that number is) raw denim?
@Alex ahhh, ok that's interesting, and explains a lot. I love raw. I'll say it till my voice is gone — I wish the 18oz raw would come back. I know there's probably no chance but whatevs, I'll keep dreaming.
@pechelman I'm not sure, actually. We cut our own in Gosport for replacement from leather sourced by Simmons Bilt / Wesco, but I am not sure where Haraki gets his from
@popvulture yeah, we would love it too, and would love another raw too. Maybe once we fix whats broken, we can look to expand the line again
@M800sct1 Regarding N1 waxing, at least AFAIK the Fjällräven Greenland wax can be done with an iron only, doesn't need a heat gun. I did G1000 stuff that way, which worked. Or is it different with the N1 Whipcord? Or just easier with the heat gun? Did you already do it @Nik? I want to wax my N1, just ordered a few Greenland wax bars.
Not yet @endo but still planning on it
I'm waiting for heat gun because apparently they can also help tighten up loose grain on leather