Dan Carlin - Hardcore History is my fav podcast. Covers mostly war, violence, human extremes over the ages (ancient to WW2 / Cold War era)
Highly recommend for any history buffs.
@jordanscollected Serial got me on the podcast train as well. The Afghanistan War US deserter Bowe Bergdahl season got me hooked.
So cool to be seeing this new forum! Looks grand!
Speaking of Podcasts, there are two that I've listened to for a while now that I thought to share:
Glitch Bottle looks at the magical, the occult, the esoteric, and lots of wicked cool shit from practitioners and people who practice with the aforementioned.
The Drive Through & The Jim Cornette Experience are weekly shows featuring Jim Cornette; the most knowledgable man in professional wrestling today! Always a good laugh and if you like the business, there is no better place to learn.
@deadendpro never thought I'd find another Cult of Cornette member here! Jim has been a staple in my life for 4/5 years, I fall asleep listening to him most evenings. Much to the dismay of everyone I've ever shared a bed with haha...
For those who like history - ‘The Rest is History’ which is both very funny and informative.
For those who like politics - ‘The Rest is Politics’.
Been spending a lot of time on long runs enjoying listening to ACFM for ‘weird left’ critical theory conversations on topics like collective joy, strikes, technology, space, desire.
@Nik - not sure that this is a natural fit for me but it sounds interesting. I will give it a go. Will similarly listen on long walks (as opposed to runs as my Achilles tendons are goosed).
It'd be a good compliment to 'The Rest is...' - I like to take in political commentary from all over the spectrum but am definitely on the left myself. I've got right wing friends who like to listen to the sort of Marxist critique people like ACFM offer to firm up their arguments against it. Which seems cool to me. My grandfather was a member of the communist party before becoming an entrepreneur, and my uncle is a Trumper so him and I have lively discussions for sure. Mostly lots of respect in all directions.
Will do @goosehd thanks
No dramas. No intent to raise specific issues or create a dispute o we ideology. Will check out the pod - to keep an open mind.
@jordanscollected my favorite true crime is 'the last podcast on the left" I can't get enough of the funny trio. I've also been to one of their liveshows. The content is meh, but I must admit being startstuck for a second when they came on stage. Weird seeing the guys in the flesh after listening to their voices for hours on end.
Another great one is 'seven deadly sins' by Stephen Frye. His 'great leap years' is also a very good listen.
If you like horror 'Old gods of Appalachia' has a great vibe.
You'll never see me in any political conversation, I avoid those discussions as much as possible. Love the true crime podcasts. Bear Brooke's new season isn't as compelling as the first, but I'll continue on as it's well constructed. I have an ear bud in all day with a podcast going whenever I don't need to concentrate hard on something. Podcasts are finally getting into the subscription model, but i haven't bit yet. There's too many bad ones to pay for a service. "The Binge, "Wondery +" etc. won't get my money. They all eventually release for free.
Started listening to ‘Love is the Message’ and it is good. Two London academics tell a sprawling alternative history of dance music with a 70’s focus. Starts with David Mancuso in The Loft in New York but grows from there. Lots about counterculture, relationship of dance and music to politics, great tunes and stories.
@SKT if you ever get the craving to nerd out on some classic country lore Cocaine and Rhinestones is a good listen
There are 1 or 2 episodes on the Louvin Brothers somewhere in there